Saturday, December 6, 2014

Primeval Thule: Starlore Adept for D&D 5th Edition

Backgrounds here are bases on the Narratives in Primeval Thule, so they will gain abilities as a character levels.  They are only intended for use in the Primeval Thule setting and are not designed to be mixed with standard Backgrounds.

Also, some of the abilities require the expenditure of a resource, for this reason and for how dangerous the setting is, each character gains the Lucky Feat for free and may take the Lucky Feat one additional time.

Star-lore Adept

Areas of Proficiency (1st level): You are proficient in Arcana.

Langauges (1st level): Choose one from Benthic, Draconic, or Mi-Go.

Tools (1st level): Magical Devices.

Potent Lore (Level 1):  You can spend a Luck point as a free action on your turn to increase the caster level of the next arcane spell you cast by +4. By calling upon the arcane secrets of alien races, star-lore adepts can create unex- pectedly powerful magical effects.

Mystic Signs (6th level): Through mystic gestures and motions, you can identify yourself as an initiate in unearthly lore to creatures that are otherwise hostile to humans and their ilk. You have advantage on any Charisma checks or savings throw when dealing with any extraterrene or extraplanar creatures.
Optionally this is a feat and can only be taken if you have this background and are at least 4th level.

The Stars Are Right (10th level): Once during each character level at 10th level and above, you can call upon powerful alien entities to perform services for you. This functions as the extraterrene calling spell, except that you can use the spell even if you are not normally able to cast it. You need not provide the ally with any payment, since it has little interest in terrestrial possessions.
Optionally this is a feat and can only be taken if you have this background and are at least 8th level.

Extraterrene Calling4th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 50 feet.
Components: V, S, M (offerings worth at least 500 gp) 
Duration: Instantaneous

By casting this spell, you call out to your patron Great Old One to send you an extraterrene creature of 6 Hit Dice or less. You may ask the creature to perform one task in exchange for a payment from you. Tasks might range from the simple tothe complex. You are able to communicate with the crea- ture called for the purposes of establishing this bargain.

On behalf of the Great Old One it serves, the creature called requires a payment for its services. The payment depends on the nature of the Great Old One, and may involve valuable gifts, living sacrifice, or some other action or service that you provide that aligns with the entity’s goals and can be completed within an agreed upon timeframe. The bargaining takes at least 1 round, so any actions by the creature begin in the round after it arrives.

At the end of its task, or when the duration bargained for expires, the creature returns from whence it came.

When you use a calling spell that calls an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type.

Special: Your patron deity must be a Great Old One.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you may call a single extraterrene creature of 12 Hit Dice or less, or two creatures of the same kind whose Hit Dice total no more than 12, but they require an offering worth 1250 gp.  When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, you may call a single extraterrene creature of 18 Hit Dice or less, or up to three creatures of the same kind whose Hit Dice total no more than 18, but they require an offering worth 2500 gp.


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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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