The elves have always said that the land remembers.
But some sites are scenes of such horrific atrocities that the land must amputate all of the brutality and depravity to keep madness at bay. It's in this cauldron of torment and violence that a new being is born. One that only knows the trauma of it's malediction. And so it waits, even as the land grows lush and inviting, healthy and pure; to unleash the carnage and terror that gave it form.
4th level wrecker [ELEMENTAL]
Initiative: +7
Fear Threshold: 18
Axe +9 vs. AC—14 damage
Natural roll of 16+: Up to 3 nearby enemies take 2d6 damage.
C: Go Berserk +8 vs. PD—10 damage
Carnage: Once per battle, the Dweller may deal automatic damage equal to the Escalation die x 3 to all nearby enemies.
AC 20
PD 14 HP 65
MD 18
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