Saturday, December 8, 2012

Prepping a new game of 13th Age

Well, the 13th Age Escalation Edition V6 is available and the next iteration will be the finished product.

I'm prepping for a new 13th Age game now and it looks like I'll have a Sorcerer, Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter or Paladin (player is still unsure) and a Rogue/Ranger (I'll be working with mutliclassing soon).

While I had begun brainstorming for Numenera, higher level abilities weren't pushing my buttons (I'm not worrying, it's only the first draft of the rules).  And as soon as 13th Age was settled on, I found myself really gearing up for it.  I'd really missed running it.

I'm still trying to work out if I want to continue to utilize my Duchy of St. Cuthbert/Jarlsburg setting or move onto something new.

I only had a some brief thoughts on the City of Nucleus, but I might continue working on it for use in 13th Age.  And I'll probably have to do something with Zentradi...

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