Friday, December 28, 2012

Aquila: Geirilla for 13th Age

When Hitler crossed over into Aquila he brought two items: the Spear of Destiny and a special Strata-Gem that held the souls of his inner circle.

The trip across realities and his use of magic to enthrall the Valkrieg ravage his body and he was forced to find a new host for his malevolence.  After much searching he found a band of carnivorous gorillas and was able to capture it's leader and transfer his soul into it's powerful body.  Soon after, he began using the other members of the band as hosts for his inner circle.  And so the Geirillas were born.

4th Level Wreicker                    

Initiative +4

Fists +9 vs PD; 
Hit: 14; Miss: 4

Sword +9 vs AC; 
Hit: 16; Natural Even Roll: 20

AC 18
PD 20
MD 16

HP 60

Icons Hitler (The Orc King); Odin (The Crusader).

Fan-Made and Powered by:

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