Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Masters of the Universe Monday (on Tuesday):Mer-Man

Squidish Rex is the ruler of the undersea realms of Eternia, dubbed Mer-Man by Skeletor, he was chose to lead his armies after Squidish's kingdom was destroyed in a battle with rival ocean clans. His allegiance with Skeletor brings him to the surface world more often then he would like. Lurking deep beneath the Sea of Rakash, Mer-Man awaits the clarion call to arms of Skeletor!
Medium Humanoid (Deep One) 
Armor Class 15 (Coral)
Hit Points 35 (5d8+10)
Speed 30 ft., swimming 90 ft.
Senses darkvision 90 ft.

Str 18 (+4)       Int 12 (+1)

Dex 14 (+2)     Wis 11 (+0)    
Con 15 (+2)     Cha 14 (+2)

lawful evil
Languages Common, Cthuvian


Amphibious: Mer-Man can breath under water or on land, indefinitely.

Commander: Friendly creatures that can see or hear Mer-Man and are
within 30 feet of him gain a +1 to damage rolls.  If multiple friendly
creatures have the commander trait, only the highest bonus applies.

Melee Attack—Longsword: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature)

Hit: 1d8+4 piercing damage.

Ranged Attack—Ice Shard: +5 to hit (range 10 ft./40 ft.; one creature)
Hit: 1d6+2 cold damage and the creature's speed drops by 10 feet until 

the end of Mer-Man's next turn.

Multiattack: Mer-Man makes two longword attacks
or two ice shard attacks.


Level 3 elite                        XP 500

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.