Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Battle Beast Tuesday: Colonel Bird for D&D Next

Colonel Bird

Medium Humanoid

Armor Class 15

Hit Points 18 (4d8) 

Speed 25 ft.; flying 60 ft.

Str 11 (+0)     Dex 13 (+1)    Con 10 (+0)
Int  13 (+1)    Wis 17  (+3)   Cha  14  (+2)

Alignment lawful
Languages common, avian

Turbo Boost:  Once per encounter, Colonel Bird activate the gold turbo modulators on his chest and gains advantage on melee or ranged attack roll for that turn and +1d6 damage.

Wing Commander: While flying, Colonel Bird give all allies +1 to AC.

(Optional) Heart of Fire: Colonel Bird is vulnerable to water damage.

(Optional) Slash and Burn: Colonel Burd is resistant to wood damage.

Melee Attack—Talons: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 3 (1d4) fire damage.

Melee AttackVortex Javelin: +3 to hit (reach 15 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 7 (1d10+1) fire damage.

Ranged AttackVortex Blast: +3 to hit (range 200 ft./400 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 5 (1d6+1) fire damage.


Level 4                   XP 250

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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