Sunday, July 22, 2012

13th Age: Psion Class

Since the Duchy of St. Cuthbert started as a DnD Next campaign, I needed to convert the PC's to 13th Age.  One of the characters was a homebrew "Psion" and I decided to reskin the Barbarian as a replacement.  So far, this is only through Adventuring Tier.

Class Psion
Initiative Level + Dex Mod
AC Base 12
Physical Defense Base 10
Mental Defense Base 14
HP 3x(7 + Con mod)
Recoveries 8
Recovery Dice 1d6 per Level + Con mod
Class Bonus to Ability Scores
+2 to your Wisdom or to your Charisma, with the same restrictions as other classes.
Psion’s Basic Attacks

At Will Melee Attack (Psychokinesis)
Atttack: Dex + Level vs PD
Hit: 1d4 per Level  + Dex Psychic Damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level

At Will Ranged Attack  (Mind Blast)
Atttack: Wis or Char + Level vs MD
Hit: 1d6 per Level  + Wis or Char Psychic Damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level
Backgrounds (10 points)
Brainstorm: Functions as the Barbarian’s Rage, but applies to attacks that deal Psychic damage.
Telepathy: Functions as the Sorcerer talent, Spell Fist
Adventurer Tier Talents
Psychic Vampire: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Barbaric Cleave.
Precognition: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Building Frenzy.
Empathy: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Slayer.
Psychic Surgery: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Strongheart.
Impulse: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Unstoppable.
Psyclone: Functions as the Barbarian Talent, Whirlwind.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.