Super Adaptoid 8 (24) for Claim the Sky and the Cypher System
Environment: Earth 616
Health: 36
Damage Inflicted: 8 points
Armor: 6
Movement: Long
Modifications: Might Defense 9, Speed Defense 9
Health: 36
Damage Inflicted: 8 points
Armor: 6
Movement: Long
Modifications: Might Defense 9, Speed Defense 9
Combat: The Super Adaptoid is an artificial intelligence that contains a shard of the Cosmic Cube and has the powers, equipment and training of Captain America, Giant Man, Thor, Hawkeye, and Iron Man.
Bow: Ranged attack with a range of Long that ignores 3 points of Armor
Hammer: Melee attack that deals 9 points of damage
Pym Particles: Can shrink and gain Stealth 12 or grow and gain 12 Health
Repulsor Blast: Ranged attack with a range of Short if the d20 roll is even the target is knocked back a Short distance
Shield: When hit by an attack if the roll is odd it deals 2 less damage to the Super-Adaptoid
Interactions: The Super-Adaptoid possesses exceptional artificial intelligence, but limited imagination and an inability to understand the human condition has led to defeat.
Use: A.I.M. has set their sights on a graduate student's quantum computer at Empire State University and they send the Super Adaptoid to Time Square to create a diversion for Manhattan's heroes.
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