Thursday, August 22, 2019

#RPGaDAY 2019: Day 21 & 22

I have a VAST collection of RPGs, hundreds of them. They are all over my house. And the worst part? I prefer PDF versions these days.  They sit there unused, but I love them and need them. I'm like a dragon hoarding sparkly bits. I think about selling them, but I don't know that I have the strength. It's terrible.

Have you ever LOST your love of gaming? I did. It was the culmination of many events, being a husband and dad, growing up, tired of fighting with people over rules instead of just playing, and my anxiety and learning to treat and manage it..  I took a step back. A hiatus for several years. I wasn't sure I would ever play an RPG again. This blog was how I started to find my love again. The OSR was the fire I needed. It's okay to step back. It's okay to give yourself a break.


Scott Anderson said...

There's worse things to collect than games. And no, I never lose my love for gaming. Sometimes it goes on vacation but I know in my heart it will come back. You know? Like, I'll get really geeked on another hobby for a few months but then I'm back blogging and playing in earnest.

Cross Planes said...

Interesting. I think the sabbatical let me adjust my expectations from goups and maybe realize some people I had played with, sadly, weren't the best people.

wowcigarette said...

Thanks for sharing. Visit crystal shops near me and get a crystal as a reminder to tap into your inner happiness.

Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.