Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Yazu, Ooze Worm of the Underworld for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And recently Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Trickery Divine Domain
The Ooze Worm is the oblivion that awaits. It is the final torment that melts away all but a soul's sins.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:

• When you use Blessing of the Trickster on a creature, attack rolls that target it have disadvantage until the end of its next turn.

• You have resistance to acid damage.

• You learn the acid splash cantrip. 

• You learn the melf's acid arrow spell and it is a domain spell for you.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.