Friday, May 8, 2015

Class Warfare: Psychic Warrior Revised (Monk Sub-Class) for D&D 5th Edtiion

Waaaaay back in August, I worked up the Psychic Warrior Monk Sub-Class.  Since then, I've learned a few things and this is my revision.

Psychic Warrior Monastic Tradition

Way of the Psyche

Psychokinetic Gift (3rd level)

• When using deflect missiles you may add your wisdom modifier to reduce the damage you take from an attack.

• Your flurry of blows have a range of 30 feet.

• You know the Mage Hand cantrip and if you spend 1 Ki point, you can lift up to your level x 20 lbs., but requires concentration.

Poltergeist (6th level)
You may spend 3 Ki points to cast telekinesis.

Mind Over Matter (11th level)
You may spend 5 Ki points to cast animate objects.

Brainstorm  (17th level)
You may spend 7 Ki points to cast reverse gravity.

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