Saturday, January 31, 2015

Closing out January

Its been a good month.  A very good month.  This weekend I get to celebrate my beautiful wife's birthday and root for the Patriots (the far lesser of two evils, in my opinions, #ravensnation).

I've been thinking about the blog.  I've managed to keep up my every other day pace and have been looking back at its direction since last summer.

Back then, I decided I wanted to move away from Actual Play Reports and work on content.

I think I've done that, but I'm now focusing on quality.

And I keep thinking that WotC's lack of traditional support on the table top RPG side could be an opportunity for me.  But it's hard to find time to write a product, commission art and then lay it out when running a family business, being married and raising four kids.

So for now, publishing, is merely an idea.

However, this blog is more than that and I'm really working on trying to galvanize its content.

Have a great weekend!

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