Thursday, June 9, 2016

Savage Worlds: Blood Elf Race for World of Warcraft [UPDATED]

Blood Elf

• Arcane Acuity: When you score a Raise with a Fighting and Shooting attack roll you deal 1d8 bonus damage, instead of 1d6.

• Arcane Resistance: You begin with the Arcane Resistance edge.

• Arcane Torrent: Spend a Bennie to silence all creatures within a medium blast template centered on you until the beginning of your next action card and regain 1d6 Power Points.

• Culture Clash: You begin with the Outsider hindrance.

• Proud: You begin with the Overconfident hindrance.

• Schism: You have a -4 to Charisma when dealing with Night Elves.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.