Friday, August 23, 2013

13th Age: Bristlebearn Bear

Bristlebearn Bear

Long allies of the Wood Elves and wardens of the forests, the Bristlebearn Tribe is unique in that they speak a primitive from of Elven and are fully sentient.  They diligently work to keep other sentient creatures from destroying their homes.

3rd level [BEAST]
Initiative: +1

Maul +8 vs. AC—10 damage

Talking Bear +8 vs. MD—Target is stunned (save ends, 11+)
Natural roll of 16+:  The target is confused (save ends, 11+), instead.

Only You: When the Escalation Die is even, any enemies that are suffering from stunned or confused have a -2 to their saves.

AC 19
PD  17                              HP 45
MD 13

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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