Sunday, March 2, 2014


So Tony W.'s DnD game continues to remain on hold as work has him pretty tied up and we have come to the end of my fill in adventure.  I'm going to take a break from the Adventure Game Engine (to work up another adventure) and the players have asked me to run Numenera for the next fill-in game.

While I dig what I worked up with 9th World, I have the opportunity to run a short adventure with a small group and am going  back to the Cipher System.

We have a Stealthy Jack who Exists Partially Out of Phase; a Charming Nano who Wears a Veil of Water; a Mad Nano who Controls Beasts; a Cybernetic Jack who Manipulates Life and Death (pretty much a house ruled version of Mechanical and Works Miracles).

I'm assuming I'll get my chance to try it out in the week or two, unless Tony's schedule clears up.

I'll keep you posted.

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A RuneQuest Playtest

Last week, Chaosium revealed they were working on a new RuneQuest Project. The way Mike Mearls explained it is that it was like Pulp Cthulhu...