Friday, December 6, 2019

2019: The Year That Broke Me

I've been absent from blogging due to the fact that I woke up Thanksgiving Day with a pinched nerve in my shoulder causing extreme pain and numbness in my right arm, hand, and fingers. In truth, it's the most pain I have encountered in my life thus far. By Sunday, I ended up going to Urgent Care who directed me to the ER because my heartbeat was so rapid. 

But it was just the pinched nerve.  I've had X-rays and they are clear and I have an MRI and Physical Therapy schedule for next week.

Right now, my pain is closer to a 3 or 4 and I can sleep, which is very important to me.

Strangely, 2019 opened with the same problem in January, it just wasn't as painful and I'm hoping to stop this from recurring.

Then by late April I had my various insomnia and anxiety issues which basically took me until October to mostly resolve.

Don't get me wrong, things could be much worse, in fact, I'll be going to a Celebration of Life for a dear friend who lost her battle to cancer this weekend.

I'm just hoping for a fresh start in 2020.


Scott Anderson said...

Life stress - including small business stress - can make your body break. Holiday sales season and holiday friend and family season are especially stressful.

Doctor Futurity said...

Take care of yourself! This has been a tough year in general. I empathize with the nerve pain; dealing with a similar issue related to my shoulder.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Yes, it has been a rough year for everyone I feel, as though the collective conscience of humanity has suffered. You are not alone. I've also lost some friends, and had some health issues. Here's to new beginnings- may yours be bright & healthy.

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