Sunday, July 18, 2021

Warhammer Fantasy: Skaven Clanrat for Worlds Without Number


Skaven Clanrat for Worlds Without Number

HD: 2
AC: 14a
Atk: +2

Dmg: Wpn
Shock: Wpn
Move: 25'
ML: 8
Instinct: 4
Skill: +1

Save: 14+

• Skaven are known to coat their weapons in shit, poison, disease, or even warpstone. If a clanrat's To Hit roll is a natural 19 - 20 the target takes 1d6 System Strain. 

• When a clanrat rolls Notice or Sneak skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

• Skaven can see in utter darkness out to a distance of 30 feet.

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