Sunday, August 10, 2014

#RPGaDay Playing Catchup: Day 7 through 10

7.  Most "intellectual" RPG owned?  Hmmm....Nephilim.  Yeah, I like that answer.

8.  Favorite Character?  Billy Ray Cordite.  A Lawful Dick Paladin of Tyr, who wears shitkickers and says "boy howdy" a lot.  I've only played him twice, but I hope to get more time in with him

9.  Favorite Dice/Dice Set?  My red/blue d20 from my TORG boxes set.

10.  Favorite Tie-In Novel/Game Fiction?  The Companions (Book 1 of the Forgotten Realms Sundering Series) by R.A. Salvatore.  I loved that it focused on Cattie-Brie, Bruenor, and Regis.  I really, really enjoyed it.

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