Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge: Day 4 Favorite Gameworld

This was tough and it covered several worlds.  I really like Planescape and had a long fling with Dragonlance.  I've devoted much time to the Forgotten Realms and wished I'd spent more time in Dark Sun.  But my favorite DnD world is...

Ravenloft.  Hand down.  I think I've purchased every version of the setting and have a deep fondness for it.  I won't lie, back in the heyday of ADnD 2E, I really wished for playable monsters and when White Wolf took it over during the 3.X era, part of me secretly hoped they would to a treatment of it using the World of Darkness rules.  But I still love Ravenloft and Strahd Von Zarovich and most games I run have, at minimum, a hint of horror.

Hopefully, we'll see some version of it for DnD Next, but no matter what, the mists of Ravenloft move through my games.

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