Saturday, September 8, 2012

13 True Ways Kickstarter for 13th Age.

I know I've been focused on the current playtest of DnD Next, but I'm still very enamored with 13th Age.  Fire Opal has a Kickstarter for their first sourcebook, 13 True Ways.  It will include the Monk, Druid and Chaos Shaman and if they hit their 1st stretch goal of $37,500 they'll include the Necromancer.

Let's help them over the hump!

You won't regret it.


Ciara said...

Hi, I stopped in for the chocolate blog hop today. I'm probably too early. I'll check back later.

Cross Planes said...

Hi Ciara, thanks for coming by!

The Future Starts Today!

Or some such thing.  Happy 2025. My blog is 12 years old and I didn't manage to post once a month on here. I don't know what 2025 ho...