Monday, November 4, 2013

13th Age: Wodengamut Zealot

Wodengamut Zealot

Fanatics devoted to a long dead Archmage, the Wodengamut wage a terror campaign that they preach was devised by their Master, in the months leading to his murder.  By following his byzantine prophecies, they can achieve their ultimate goal, to return their beloved Master to life as the one true Archmage.

4th level wrecker
Initiative: +3

R: Obloquy of the Infidel  +9 vs. MD—14 damage.
Natural even hit:  The zealot may make a curse of ill omen attack during it's next turn

[Special Trigger] Curse of Ill Omen +10 vs. PD - Ongoing 5 damage.

Nastier Specials
C: Malison of the Heretic  +12 vs PD (1d3 nearby enemies) - 20 damage
Miss: 8

AC 14
PD  14                              HP 54
MD 20

For more information on the Wodengamut and their history, click here.

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