Saturday, December 1, 2012

Excuse my dust...

I decided to do some redecorating around the blog.  I'm not sure I like the new look better than the old, but it seemed like change was in order.

I've done some soul searching and hope to get back to my old pace of updates.

I came to realize that quite a bit of my slow down was dealing with the most recent round of gaming drama in August and September.  I think, in many ways, I was slightly depressed by the situation--not by the turn of events but my role in them.

As I've said in the past, I'm at least 50% of any conflict or drama that occurs.

The journey continues.


Mark Means said...

Don't let blogging seem like a job for you. When that happens, all is lost :)

O.k, no 'all'...but it makes it tough to sit down and write.

Yolanda Renée said...


I like the look, and sometimes a slow down just happens. A break is always good because you come back fresh and interested again.

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