Friday, August 12, 2016

#RPGaDay 2016: Day 12

I am participating in the #RPGaDAY2016 blog marathon hosted by BrigadeCon

What game is your group most likely to play next? Why? This is a tough one, because there are some great games that have recently released: Savage Rifts, Ultramodern5, Fall of the Gods for the Cypher System, Shadowrun Anarchy. Additionally, I've been taking a long look at Chaosium's Magic World and I've very excited for the Unity Table Top RPG on Kickstarter.

I have quite a few ideas for Ultramodern5 though, in fact several factions and antagonists should be appearing on the blog soon. I think that is the most likely game going forward.

I will add that if the playtest rules for Unity become available first, I am very likely to run it.

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