Monday, April 21, 2014

A to Z Challenge: Q is for Quibble's Elucidations (For OSRIC)

Quibble's Elucidations on Abjuration: Kensington Claudius Quibble, the legendary Abjurer spent over seven decades composing his research and notes on dispelling magic into this legendary tome.  Study of the tome takes 3 weeks and afterward, when it's reader casts Dispel Magic, they are considered two levels higher for the effect of the spell.  Also, any student of the Elucidations has a 15% chance to ignore spell resistance.


Quibble's Elucidations on Abjuration currently resides in Juliett Manila's School for the Curious and Talented.  Kensington's ghost "haunts" the book and he teaches a course on Abjuration at the school.

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